Monday, June 22, 2009

Monkey Business

So, this weekend was pretty eventful. I did a lot of small tattoos, but one that really struck me as cool was for a lady who wanted to cover up some veins she didn't like on her leg. She said she wanted some sort of flower over it, so I sat down at the drawing table for a few minutes and sketched out a nice Lily-esque flower. She told me that it was exactly what she wanted, so we proceeded to the actual tattooing. The whole time I'm tattooing her she can't see what I'm working on from how she was laying, there were a couple of times we stopped and she could take a look. 
I really wanted to pound in a lot of color into this tattoo, so we took a lot longer than I imagined it would, but in the end the color turned out very vibrant and solid. I wish I had a better camera right now, the pink in the petals looked great and blended right into her skin tone. I'd really like to get a picture of this tattoo completely healed. Anyways, we finally finished the tattoo and she was overwhelmed with it. Its always great when the client adores the tattoo you've given them. She was great. It was a nice chance to play with some color and do a fun tattoo. Other than that this week I took some pictures of a drawing I did that I thought someone may like. Just a tribute to good ol' evolution! Cheers!

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